I am so glad you are here! Thank you for joining me on my journey to who knows where!
I am just starting, somewhere, now! It just doesn’t have to be perfect!
I am 63…...it surely doesn’t seem like it! But here we are! I just wanted something for myself! Something I thought of! Something I pursued! Something I created without getting any approval!
It is in the beginning stage now, but I did it!
I said, if not now, then when? Without change, there is no change! I really, truly believe this!
It’s so funny how the online community happens, one thing just leads to the next. I’ve tried to recollect the sequence of how things went, but it’s so gradual and seamless. I do know it started with Facebook and liking an art, upcycling page. Showing an interest in art, other sites appear like magic! I joined a few online painting classes and groups and voila! I found a site creator who agreed to work with me when I had very little to work with, and no real idea of what I wanted! But! It was a start! She said, it doesn’t have to be perfect! I just wanted to start! Because, if I hadn’t, I would have said, “I’ll start when the work season is over, when I have time.”
Well, you know how that goes, I would find other things, like painting the interior of my home, and on and on….
So, here we are! I have started! Let’s see where we go!
P.S. I have written this first blog post, well, many times! It just doesn't have to be perfect! I really just want you to get to know and connect with me and our community.